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Getting Things Done

Getting things done is really the art of creating a plan and executing it. How do you do this? For every project, you must figure out a beginning, a middle, and an end--especially the end.

These are the 3 parts to any project. Decide what these three parts are and things will go easier for you.

You must have a beginning, otherwise it will be too hard to get started. A middle is necessary because without a middle there is no fundamental activity that repeats itself. You repeat this activity until you reach the end.

The end is necessary because you must have a goal, an objective. Without an objective, your project goes nowhere. When you establish a time and a place for your project to end, you have an end.

Feel the end of the project right from the beginning.

If you will keep these three things in mind: a beginning, a middle, and an end; you will go through mounds of work.

Procrastination will not be a problem because now you know what to do. You can now imagine the project from start to finish.

If the project is a big project, then establish a big beginning, a big middle, and a big end.

Later, you can break this down further. For example, within your big beginning is a small beginning, a small middle, and a small ending.

Each phase of your project will have its own small beginning, small middle, and small ending.

By using the number 3 within the number 3 within the number 3 you can imagine your project to any level of detail desired.

You never have to wonder what to do next because you imaginative eye will tell you precisely what needs to be done next. You never wonder.

Let your imaginative eye break the project into smaller and smaller parts until you see the whole thing before you. The only thing left to do then is to do it.

Keep imagining the project is done until the project is done. Seeing yourself finished is the most important part of all.

If you will keep feeling the full satisfaction of having completed the project, you will someday complete the project. It is that simple.

©Edward Abbott 2002-2005
